
第390回化学システム工学専攻公開セミナー, 東京大学大学院化学システム工学専攻, 東京都 (2023)
Application of mechanistic and data-driven models to continuous tablet manufacturing with knowledge of pharmaceutical science


Kensaku Matsunami




Process systems engineering plays a critical role in the process design of continuous tablet manufacturing, which is a novel technology. Numerous researchers have worked on process simulation using both mechanistic and data-driven models. Toward efficient process design, it is important to select appropriate modeling techniques and interpret the results based on knowledge of pharmaceutical science. This seminar will give different types of modeling studies in continuous tablet manufacturing, which I have performed through my Ph.D. at the University of Tokyo and my postdoctoral research at Ghent University. As an example of mechanistic modeling, population balance models have been applied to the simulation of particle size distributions in wet granulation. Hybrid and surrogate modeling approaches will extend the applicability of models to different active pharmaceutical ingredients and real-time release testing. Furthermore, an in-depth understanding of material properties as well as unit operations can help with model development and interpretation.
研究室ホームページ構築&運用サービス 年額39,8000円+税 お試し無料